10 Tips to Protect your Personal Data

There is no shortage of dangers on the Internet: ransomware, phishing and other intrusions or data thefts, these threats must be seriously considered by Internet users or they will find themselves confronted with the horrors of computer hacking. But then, what are the simple steps to take to protect your personal data as much as possible?

1. Use strong passwords

Opt for long passwords (at least 10-12 characters) that alternate upper and lower case letters and numbers (and even special characters when possible).

Yes, you can already forget about your birthday or your dog’s name!

Finally, avoid using the same password for your different accounts and messaging systems.

2. Update your operating system

We can’t say it often enough, updates are essential, and this also applies to your security software such as your antivirus or your personal firewall.

3. Check the wifi key

By default, access providers offer a WEP key, although this is the least secure. Therefore, prefer a WPA 2 key in order to secure your data.

To do this, access the settings of your wifi box from your personal account.

4. Remember to backup your data

Since it will be too late once you have been accused of a cyber attack, think about regularly backing up your data outside the computer via an external hard drive or USB keys.

5. Beware of links

Beware of links, they are the preferred gateway for hackers who use phishing. Some of them are tailor-made to deceive you, so take a good look at who is offering you this link and possibly enter the address of the link in the address bar of your browser in order to see it more clearly.

6. Beware of attachments in e-mails

The other favorite entry point for hackers is attachments, so be careful when they are sent to you, especially if you see the following extensions: pif; .com; .bat; .exe; .vbs; .lnk

7. Avoid using your administrator account on the Internet

If your administrator account is hacked, the hacker will be able to get full control of your computer. To prevent this devastating intrusion, use a user account instead.

8. Avoid disclosing personal information

On the web, you are not necessarily anonymous, so beware of giving out personal information via forums or sites that do not offer all the necessary guarantees. For example, check the protocol https:// at the beginning of the web address and the presence of a small padlock which are synonymous with a secure and certified site.

9. Use antivirus

An up-to-date operating system is not enough to protect against potential viruses. In order to consolidate this and protect your data more effectively, install a reliable antivirus on your computer.

Related post: How does an antivirus work?

10. Also beware of known senders

It is not a question of being wary of your friends, but of those who could pretend to be them. Their e-mail address can indeed be recovered by some hackers who would use them to make you feel confident before attacking your data. So be careful if their way of expressing themselves does not seem usual to you and if attachments or unidentifiable hypertext are included in their messages.

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